
a machine learning toolbox for inferring highly personalized statistical models.

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A statistical machine learning toolbox for estimating models, distributions, and functions with context-specific parameters.

Context-specific parameters:

  • Find hidden heterogeneity in data – are all samples the same?
  • Identify context-specific predictors – are there different reasons for outcomes?
  • Enable domain adaptation – can learned models extrapolate to new contexts?

Quick Start


pip install contextualized-ml

Take a look at the easy demo for a quickstart with sklearn-style wrappers.

Build a Contextualized Model

from contextualized.easy import ContextualizedRegressor
model = ContextualizedRegressor(), X, Y)

Predict Context-Specific Parameters


See the docs for more examples.

Contextualized Family

Context-dependent modeling is a universal problem, and every domain presents unique challenges and opportunities. Here are some layers that others have added on top of Contextualized. Feel free to add your own page(s) by sending a PR or request an improvement by creating an issue. See for more information about the process of contributing to this project. Contextualized and analytical tools for modeling medical and biological heterogeneity

Thanks to all our contributors

ContextualizedML was originally implemented by Caleb Ellington (CMU) and Ben Lengerich (MIT).

Many people have helped. Check out!


Contact Us

Please get in touch with any questions, feature requests, or applications.